Three Things I Would Not Buy Online

    Nowadays, we can get almost everything online. Because of the advanced technologies, online shopping is more convenient in past decade. However, there is still some kind of items you should not buy online. There are three items that you should not buy online.


    What is the purpose of jewelry? I could say to value as luxury items and show people how wealthy you are. Imagine your expensive jewelry doesn’t fit your hands could be depressed for you. You also want to see and touch expensive items. And this experience is very precious. It could be better to avoid buying your unseen and expensive jewelry online.


    This could be unpleasant to see online shopping for pets. If you purchased oversee, there is no guarantee for the life of pets. Animal could not adjust well in new place which make them higher risk to survive. Make sure to get your adorable pets from local rescue team or local animal shelter. And again, it could be better if you can see and touch them directly so you can decide the best.

Refurbished or secondhand items

    Purchasing refurbished things can make you stressful. You wish your item looks like new. Sometimes, they look worse than you expect. For example, smartphones, TVs, and other electronic devices are easily to broke without additional protections. Additionally, the repair costs for refurbished items can even higher than the price of new items. I also not recommend secondhand furniture such as mattresses, sofa, pillow, curtain, etc. The main problem of these things is bedbugs. Bedbugs are hardly to kill and spread rapidly. You might not welcome them in your house. Therefore, make sure to check with your eyes and check them to your trusted expert and bargain.


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